Consultancy Contracts
in ACQUISITION OF SHARES/STAKE IN AN INDIAN COMPANY BY A FOREIGN COMPANY, Automobile, Business Tax, COMPANIES ( INDIAN ACCOUNTING STANDARDS) (AMENDMENT) RULES, 2017, Consultancy Contracts, Contract, Cross Border Transactions: A Comprehensive Guide for Global Business Engagement, Effective remedies provided to investments and trade abroad, EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND (4TH AMENDMENT) SCHEME 2017, Export Documentation, Global Tax, Indirect Tax, Information Technology, Legal Outsourcing in India, Meherpuja Mathur, PAYMENT OF WAGES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017, Tax - Residents Rule in India, The Policy on foreign investments in Indian Stock Exchanges- Amendments to Paragraphs 5.2.21 of FDI Policy 2016, Transaction Tax, Urwi Keche, Work Permit, workers compensationAadhaar Becomes Mandatory Under the Employees Pension Schemes,1995
in Aadhaar Becomes Mandatory Under the Employees Pension Schemes,1995, ANOMALIES OF THE 2017 FINANCE BILL: IS IT REALLY A MONEY BILL?, Atul Kakde, Automobile, Aviation, Banking Regulation, Biotechnology, Chemical, Deepak Gupta, Education, Government and Public Service, Indirect Tax, Information Technology, Oil, Gas and Natural Resources, Outsourcing, PAYMENT OF WAGES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017, Pharmaceutical and Health Care, Retail, Tourism and Hospitality, workers compensationEMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND (4TH AMENDMENT) SCHEME 2017
in Agriculture, Atul Kakde, Automobile, Aviation, Biotechnology, Chemical, Contract, Deepak Gupta, Education, EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND (4TH AMENDMENT) SCHEME 2017, Energy and Alternative Energy, Government and Public Service, Industrial Injuries, Information Technology, Media and Entertainment, Mining and Metals, Oil, Gas and Natural Resources, Outsourcing, PAYMENT OF WAGES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017, Pharmaceutical and Health Care, Real estate, Retail, Telecommunication, Tourism and Hospitality, Work Permit, workers compensationPAYMENT OF WAGES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017
in Agriculture, Automobile, Aviation, Biotechnology, Chemical, Contract, Damages, Deepak Gupta, Discrimination, Education, EMPLOYEES PROVIDENT FUND (4TH AMENDMENT) SCHEME 2017, Energy and Alternative Energy, Government and Public Service, Industry, Information Technology, ISSUES OF EMPLOYMENT FACED BY EMPLOYERS HIRING FOREIGN NATIONALS IN INDIA, Joint Venture, Legal Outsourcing in India, Maternity Benefits in India : Pros and Cons Contents, Media and Entertainment, Merger and Acquisition, Mining and Metals, Oil, Gas and Natural Resources, Outsourcing, PAYMENT OF WAGES (AMENDMENT) ACT, 2017, Pharmaceutical and Health Care, Pradeep Singh Rihal, Privatization, Real estate, Retail, Sexual Harassment, Telecommunication, Tourism and Hospitality, Work Permit, workers compensationDeepak Gupta
in Accident Claims, Deepak Gupta, License and Registration, Negotiable Instrument Fraud, Our People, Real Estate, Sale and Lease, Succession and Inheritance, workers compensationSr.Associate
B.Com M.Com. LL.B
Practices : Licence and Registration, Labour and Employment,Termination,,Administrative Law ,Family Laws