Atul Kakde
in Administrative Law, Atul Kakde, Bribery, Civil Litigation, Contract, Credit, Debt Recovery, Education, Family Dispute Resolution Center, Formation of Co-operative Housing Society, Information and Due Diligence, Injunction Law, MEDICAL NEGLIGENCE AND REMEDIES TO THE PATIENTS, Navigating Real Estate Investments: A Guide for NRIs in 21st Century India, Nutshell of the domestic violence Act, Our People, Real estate, Real Estate, Sale and LeaseSr. Associate
B.Com, LLB
Practices: Civil, Revenue,Labour, Education, Employment
Meghnath Navlani
in Arbitration, Banking Regulation, Bankruptcy, Capital Market, Contract, Corporate Finance, Credit, Credit and Mortgage, Creditors Right, Custom Laws, Debt Recovery, Effective remedies provided to investments and trade abroad, Injunction Law, Insolvency, Liquidation, Meghnath Navlani, Our People, Policy of Issuing License to Banks in India, Risk AssessmentSr.Associate
B.Com. LL.B,
Expertise Banking, Debt Recovery,Capital Market, Corporate Finance, Banking Regulation.