in Automobile, Copyright, Design, Geographical Indication, Intellectual property rights, Media and Entertainment, Meherpuja Mathur, News, Patent, Rohit D. Motkari, Trademark, TRADEMARK RULES, 2017, Trademark under Madrid ConventionPARALLEL IMPORT – INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS
in Copyright, Design, Dr. Sheetal Vohara, Geographical Indication, License and Registration, Merger and Acquisition, Patent, Publications, Rohit D. Motkari, Shraddha Sing, TrademarkRohit Motkari
in Agriculture, Automobile, Biotechnology, Chemical, Copyright, Design, Education, Energy and Alternative Energy, Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in India: Overview and Procedure, Geographical Indication, Information Technology, Intellectual Property is critical for startups, Media and Entertainment, Mining and Metals, Oil, Gas and Natural Resources, Our People, Patent, Pharmaceutical and Health Care, Real estate, Retail, Rohit D. Motkari, Telecommunication, The challenges in regulating Artificial Intelligence, The Importance of Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) in Modern Economies, Tourism and Hospitality, Trademark, Trademark under Madrid ConventionAtul Suryavanshi
in Atul D Suryavanshi, Copyright, Design, Family Dispute Resolution Center, Geographical Indication, Liasoning in Retail, Navigating Real Estate Investments: A Guide for NRIs in 21st Century India, Our People, Patent, TrademarkAssociate
B.S.L., LL. B.,LL M (I.P.R.), D.C.L., D.M.J.
Practices: Intellectual Property Rights
Urwi Keche
in Contract, Copyright, Design, Education, Geographical Indication, Information Technology, Our People, Patent, Trademark, Urwi KechePartner
BA. in Law, LL.B, LL.M (Administrative and Constitutional Law)
Practices Property due Diligence, Trade Mark, Copy Right, Legal Drafting, Medico Legal Matters, Arbitration