Rajeshwar Navalpure



Expertise Real Estate, Domestic Dispute Resolution, Commercial Litigation, Law of Conveyancing, Corporate Advisory, Law of Crimes, Real Estate laws, Arbitration and Mediation laws, Commercial laws, Law on Drafting & Conveyancing, Corporate & Bankruptcy laws, Testamentary laws including Original and Appellate jurisdiction litigation expertise in Bombay High Court and it’s subordinate benches.

Liasoning in Retail

The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India

Pharmaceutical and Health Care

Franchisee & Distribution

Government And Public Service

License and Registration

The firm realizes the importance of various issues related to licenses and registration. Numbers of Licenses issued by the governmental agencies under different laws required proper attention understanding.The licenses and registration is the part of business formation as well as business growth and recognition. The firm provide extensive research based services for licensing and post licensing compliance.

Telephone+91 9822720483,+91 020 – 65108782

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Information and Due Diligence

The law firm conduct due diligence with intensive investigation in the matter of land acquisitions,IPR due diligence,business formation Etc. The due diligence ensures smooth business action as the process, methodology, checklist helps to understanding all legal aspects including company status, debt, agreements, employment, property transaction, environmental issues, research in real estate records, acquiring objective and reliable information prior to any decision. Due diligence is a matter of critical analysis helps our client to reach accurate decision in business action. The due diligence and investigation is the most important activity within the firm and therefore the firm put this due diligence accuracy under highest priority.