Girish Mundhada
Family Dispute Resolution
in Amit Nimbhorkar Astrea, Assault, Child Custody, Childrens Right, Civil Litigation, Conciliation, Cyber stalking, Cyber harassment and Cyber Bullying, Discrimination, Divorce, Domestic Violence, Family Dispute Resolution, Girish Mundhada, Human Rights, Mediation, Nutshell of the domestic violence Act, Sexual Harassment, Subodh Balsaraf, Succession and Inheritance, Will and ProbateGirish Mundhada
in Civil Litigation, Family Dispute Resolution, Family Dispute Resolution Center, Girish Mundhada, Government and Public Service, Information and Due Diligence, License and Registration, Mining and Metals, Navigating Real Estate Investments: A Guide for NRIs in 21st Century India, Our People, Real Estate, Real estate, Retail, Sale and Lease, The Food Safety and Standards Authority of IndiaPartner
Expertise Real Estate, Domestic Dispute Resolution, Commercial Litigation, Law of Conveyancing, Corporate Advisory, Law of Crimes, Land Laws, Zoning Disputes, and Testamentary Laws.