
  • Manish Modak


    BA. LL.B

    Expertise IT, Retail,Due Diligence, Licence and Registration, Transaction, Asset Management, FDI, Risk, Assessment, Election Laws, Corruption and Bribery Laws, Adoption, Legal Strategy

  • Naren Raja Anerali


    BA, LLB


    Employment &Labor ,Foreign Direct Investment,Contract,Banking & Finance,Debt Recovery,Land Law,Cyber Laws,Family Laws,Tribunals,Negotiable Instrument Act


Environmental Law Consultancy at Astrea Legal Associates

Indian environmental law has evolved significantly over the past few decades, with most of the principles and frameworks emerging from judicial interpretations by the Supreme Court and various State High Courts. As industries continue to grow and new projects are initiated, it is crucial for businesses to be aware of their environmental obligations and ensure compliance with India’s stringent environmental regulations.

At Astrea Legal Associates, we provide guidance to businesses navigating the complexities of environmental law, helping them secure necessary clearances, comply with regulations, and mitigate risks associated with environmental liabilities.

Our Services Include:

  1. Environmental Clearances and Compliance:
    • Pre-Environmental Clearance: We assist in obtaining prior clearance for various projects, especially for those that fall under Category A (requiring approval from the Central Government) and Category B (requiring approval from the State Environment Impact Assessment Authority).
    • Forest Clearance Process: We guide clients through the two stages of forest clearance under the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, helping with documentation and necessary procedures for approval.
    • Green Clearances Process: Assistance with the three levels of environmental clearance:
      • Level I: Application granted with Terms of Reference (TOR) from the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC).
      • Level II: EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment), public hearings, and related studies as specified by TOR.
      • Level III (A): Awaiting final clearance.
      • Level III (B): Final clearance granted.
  2. Environmental Compliance Monitoring:
    • We ensure that once a clearance is obtained, clients maintain compliance with stipulated conditions. This includes half-yearly compliance reports submitted to regulatory authorities, ensuring continued adherence to environmental guidelines.
    • Submission Deadlines: Reports are submitted on 1st June and 1st December of each year in both hard and soft copies, and the latest report is published on the relevant regulatory authority’s website.
  3. Projects and Activities Requiring Environmental Clearance:
    • We advise on the types of projects and activities that require clearance under the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification.
    • General Conditions (GC): Projects located near protected areas, ecologically sensitive zones, or international boundaries require special scrutiny.
    • Specific Conditions (SC): Certain industrial estates or zones, such as Special Economic Zones (SEZ) or Biotech Parks, have specific conditions that exempt individual industries from seeking separate environmental clearance, provided the estate management complies with the overall environmental guidelines.
  4. Risk Mitigation for Sensitive Areas:
    • Special environmental clearance is required for industrial projects located in ecologically fragile or sensitive areas, including:
      • National parks, biosphere reserves, and sanctuaries
      • Coastal areas, mangroves, coral reefs, and estuaries
      • Religious, archaeological, and scenic places
      • Seismic zones and areas of geological interest
      • Border areas and defense installations

Key Focus Areas in Environmental Law:

  • Sustainability and Compliance: Ensuring projects and industries operate within the boundaries of India’s environmental laws, while maintaining a focus on sustainable practices.
  • Environmental Litigation Support: Representing clients in environmental disputes and ensuring swift resolution in case of non-compliance or regulatory challenges.
  • Environmental Risk Management: Assisting clients in understanding the environmental risks involved in their projects and advising on how to minimize liability.

How We Help Clients:

  • Consultation and Advisory: Offering legal guidance on environmental regulations and compliance for new and ongoing projects.
  • Clearance and Approvals: Managing the entire process of obtaining environmental, forest, and green clearances for projects.
  • Dispute Resolution: Representing clients in cases involving non-compliance or violations of environmental laws.
  • Documentation and Filing: Ensuring that all necessary documentation is correctly filed with the relevant authorities in compliance with environmental laws.

Why Astrea Legal Associates?

With a team of professionals and  experience in environmental law, Astrea Legal Associates is well-positioned to support businesses in their environmental compliance journey. We help clients meet statutory requirements, mitigate environmental risks, and avoid potential legal issues, ensuring the smooth execution of their projects.