Environmental Impact Assessment Checklist for Building and Construction Projects
The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification requires project proponents to provide a checklist of environmental impacts for Building/Construction projects, Area Development projects, and Townships, along with explanatory notes. This checklist covers various aspects of land, water, vegetation, air, aesthetics, socio-economic conditions, building materials, and energy conservation.
1. Land Environment
1.1 Will the existing land use significantly change, deviating from the approved Master Plan or Development Plan? Include maps of the site, surrounding features (within 500 meters), and the site layout with levels and contours.
1.2 Provide details on the major project requirements like land area, built-up area, water consumption, power requirements, connectivity, parking, etc.
1.3 What are the likely impacts on existing facilities (open spaces, community services, local ecology)?
1.4 Will there be significant land disturbance (erosion, subsidence, instability)? Provide details on soil type, slope analysis, and seismic risks.
1.5 Will the proposal alter natural drainage systems? Provide a contour map showing the natural drainage near the proposed site.
1.6 What are the earthwork quantities involved (cutting, filling, reclamation, etc.)?
1.7 Provide details regarding water supply, waste handling, and management during the construction phase.
1.8 Will low-lying areas or wetlands be altered? Provide details on modifications to these areas due to the project.
1.9 Will construction debris and waste pose health hazards? Include quantities of waste generated and proposed disposal methods.
2. Water Environment
2.1 Provide the total water requirement for the project, breaking down usage by various activities. Include a water balance statement.
2.2 State the capacity (flow or yield) of the proposed water source.
2.3 What is the quality of water required (if not from a municipal source)? Provide physical, chemical, and biological characteristics.
2.4 How much of the water requirement can be met by recycling treated wastewater?
2.5 Will there be any diversion of water from other users? Evaluate the impacts on existing water usage.
2.6 What is the incremental pollution load from wastewater? Provide details on the quantities and composition of wastewater.
2.7 Detail the water requirements met from rainwater harvesting, and the facilities created for it.
2.8 Describe the measures taken to comply with the State Government’s rainwater harvesting requirements.
2.9 How will land use changes impact runoff characteristics (quantity and quality)? Will flooding or waterlogging be aggravated?
2.10 What are the impacts of the proposal on groundwater? Discuss tapping, recharging capacity, and approvals from the competent authority.
2.11 What measures are in place to prevent runoff from polluting land and aquifers?
2.12 How is stormwater managed? Describe the provisions for avoiding flooding and details of drainage facilities.
2.13 Will the construction workforce cause unsanitary conditions around the site? Justify with proper explanations.
2.14 Describe on-site facilities for sewage collection, treatment, and disposal, including wastewater generation, treatment capacity, and recycling.
2.15 Provide details of the dual plumbing system if treated wastewater is used for toilets or other uses.
3. Vegetation
3.1 Is there a threat to biodiversity? Describe the local ecosystem, including unique features.
3.2 Will the construction involve extensive vegetation clearing or modification? Provide details of trees and vegetation affected.
3.3 What measures will be taken to minimize impacts on important site features (tree plantation, landscaping, water bodies, etc.)?
4. Fauna
4.1 Will the project displace fauna or create barriers for their movement? Provide details.
4.2 Will the project impact local avifauna? Provide details.
4.3 What measures (corridors, fish ladders, etc.) will be taken to mitigate adverse impacts on fauna?
5. Air Environment
5.1 Will the project increase atmospheric concentrations of gases or result in heat islands? Provide air quality levels and predicted dispersion models considering increased traffic.
5.2 What are the impacts on dust, smoke, odorous fumes, and hazardous gases? Address meteorological parameters.
5.3 Will the project create a shortage of parking space? Provide details of transport infrastructure and traffic management plans.
5.4 Describe the movement patterns, including internal roads, bicycle tracks, pedestrian pathways, and footpaths.
5.5 Will there be significant increases in traffic noise or vibrations? Provide sources and mitigation measures.
5.6 What is the impact of DG sets and equipment on noise, vibration, and air quality?
6. Aesthetics
6.1 Will the construction obstruct views or scenic amenities? Are these factors considered in the design?
6.2 Will there be any adverse impacts from new constructions on existing structures?
6.3 Are there any local urban form and design considerations influencing the project?
6.4 Are there any anthropological or archaeological sites nearby? Have significant features been considered?
7. Socio-Economic Aspects
7.1 Will the proposal alter the local demographic structure? Provide details.
7.2 Describe the existing social infrastructure around the site.
7.3 Will the project cause adverse effects on local communities, sacred sites, or cultural values? What safeguards are proposed?
8. Building Materials
8.1 Will energy-efficient processes be used for the production of building materials? Provide details on energy conservation measures.
8.2 Will construction material transport and handling cause pollution, noise, or nuisance? What mitigation measures are in place?
8.3 Will recycled materials be used in roads and structures? State the extent of savings achieved.
8.4 Describe methods for collecting, segregating, and disposing of garbage during the operational phase.
9. Energy Conservation
9.1 Provide details on power requirements, source of supply, and backup power. How is energy consumption minimized?
9.2 What type and capacity of power backup is planned?
9.3 Provide specifications for the type of glass used in the building related to short and long-wave radiation.
9.4 What passive solar features are incorporated into the building design?
9.5 Does the street and building layout maximize solar energy potential? Consider the use of solar lighting and hot water systems.
9.6 Is shading effectively used to reduce energy loads? Explain the shading principles for east, west, and roof areas.
9.7 Are energy-efficient systems (lighting, mechanical systems) used in the structures? Provide technical details.
9.8 Will the building alter the microclimate (heat island effects)? Provide self-assessment.
9.9 What are the thermal characteristics of the building envelope? Provide details of the materials used.
9.10 What fire safety measures are in place, including emergency plans?
9.11 If using glass as a wall material, provide details on its specifications.
9.12 What is the rate of air infiltration? What measures mitigate its effects?
9.13 How is non-conventional energy used in overall consumption? Provide details of renewable energy technologies.
Environmental Management Plan (EMP)
The Environmental Management Plan (EMP) outlines all mitigation measures to minimize adverse environmental impacts during construction, operation, and the life cycle of the project. It includes an environmental monitoring plan to ensure compliance with regulations and specifies emergency procedures in case of accidents, such as fire or other hazards.