
  • Siddhartha Ray

    Sr. Associate

    B.A.LL B

    Practices Constitutional, Civil,Biotechnology,Tourism & Hospitality,Appellate, International Laws, Treaties & Conventions, Human Rights,

  • Mr.Amit Nimbhorkar



    Labor & Employment , Industrial & Labor , Industrial Injury , Work Permit, Competition Law, Contract Management

  • Ramakant Vaidkar


    BA LLB.

    Practices Trust,  Litigation, Appellate, Property, Government , Debt Recovery, Human Right.


The use and importance of human rights are something that is not up for discussion anymore, it’s a new century where nothing wrong goes unnoticed and human rights are a basic need of today’s world. Businesses mint massive turnovers from society, with the help of nature, the public, and the working class and in between all this, the organizational objectives no matter how important should never prevail over society’s objectives.

The UN framework for protecting, respecting and remedying as introduced by John Ruggie is a revolution and it’s an awakening. It comes quite late but it is more than welcomed today, if this policy is effectively complied with by all nations, MNC s and organizations, it will set a benchmark and change the future. The highlight of human rights and its importance will be clear and it will curb corporate greed by enhancing the importance of CSR, human rights and safety of the environment in the business world. Cases like Union carbide, Taj trapezium etc have not only impacted the society and people but also the environment. It is unfeasible to expect a complete compromise of businesses today and put the environment and people first because, in this century and era of growth, economic balance is also crucial along with human rights and nature. So human rights, environment, and business need to go hand in hand. Various summits and conventions like Rio, Stockholm, Paris, and Geneva have come up with resolutions to preserve the environment in such a manner that there is room for business and environmental development.
