
  • Ashish Bang


    B.Com. LL.B

    Practices Power and Energy, Retail, Oil, Gas and Natural Resources,Franchise and Distribution, Trade Regulations, Business Law

  • Kshitij Lunkad

    Sr. Consultant

    B.S.L LL.B, CS

    Practices Import and Export, Business formation, Transaction, Joint venture, Merger & Acquisition, FDI, Liquidation and Foreclosure

Trade Regulation


Trade regulation includes state trade policy, bilateral trade policy, code of conduct for different types of industry, international trade, free trade, government regulation of unfair methods, or deceptive business acts or practices.

Our role is to give utmost importance to precautionary measure in clients matters involving regulatory requirements, licensing, permissions, restrictions, governing the manufacture, packaging, and distribution of domestic and imported products under the local laws and regulations administered by the various acts and rules time framed by Central and State regulatory agencies. Our service helps to avoid future conflicts. Franchise and distribution law, consumer protection law, and advertising law are sometimes considered parts of trade regulation law.

Today’s era of globalization depends on sound trade policies to reflect market changes, establish free and fair trade practices, and expand the possibilities for booming international trade. The lawyers of Astrea advise in trade regulation laws, restrain of trade issues, deceptive and unfair trade practices. We routinely provide an analysis of business ventures that include transactions, regulatory matters, and in litigating regulatory issues, trade policy, trade barriers, safety, as appropriate..