
  • Deepak Gupta


    B.Com M.Com. LL.B

    Practices : Licence and Registration, Labour and Employment,Termination,,Administrative Law ,Family Laws

  • Mayuri Shukla


    LLM, LLB, B.Sc

    Expertise Media and Entertainment, Information Technology, Real Estate, Telecommunication, Agriculture, Biotechnology ,civil law , consumer rights, family law, international law, criminal law, arbitration, mediation, pre-litigation mediation, appellate practice

imagesThe passing of Domestic Violence Act in addition to several other enactments in the protection of women’s rights is a significant attempt in India to recognize domestic abuse which widens the scope of domestic violence and guarantees urgent relief to the victim. The provisions of the Act are beneficiary but sometimes utilized to achieve wrongful intentions. The complexity of domestic violence cases allows Astrea Legal to prepare to meet every challenge in the protection of their client’s interest.