Mr. Rajeshwar Navalpure



Expertise: Real Estate, Domestic Dispute Resolution, Commercial Litigation, Law of Conveyancing, Corporate Advisory, Law of Crimes, Real Estate laws, Arbitration and Mediation laws, Commercial laws, Law on Drafting & Conveyancing, Corporate & Bankruptcy laws, Testamentary laws including Original and Appellate jurisdiction litigation in Bombay High Court and it’s subordinate benches.

Graduated from ILS Law College in Pune. Also completed professional courses of the Foundation of Law, a Diploma in Human Rights, and a Diploma in Corporate Law. Has the long-term work experience with a law firm in Mumbai and gained professional expertise in dealing with Real Estate laws, Arbitration and Mediation laws, Commercial laws, Drafting & Conveyancing laws, Company laws, Bankruptcy laws, Testamentary and Family laws, Law of Crimes, Port Trust laws, etc. with proficiency in managing and coordinating numerous cases in various types of Courts in India.
Apart from the legal profession Rajeshwar also tended towards social responsibility and so completed an educational Teaching Course at Teach For India, a non-profit organization working for the development of the educational system in India.
His strengths include work organization, time management, and conserving pre-eminent ethics of positive and trustworthy relations with clients, regardless of the level of work tasks.