A patent is a protection granted to the inventor under the Patents Act. Protectability is the key to whether particular works can reap the benefits of intellectual property protection and, correspondingly whether the availability of protection will encourage the production of such works in the first instance. To grant protection, patent law requires inventions to meet the high obstacle of novelty, non-obviousness, and utility while copyright law requires only the lower threshold of originality. According to Section 3(d) of the Indian Patents (Amendment) Act, 2005 it can be determined whether a particular work/substance/matter is an invention or not, by considering the following three criteria:
First, the subject matter of an invention should not be a mere discovery, second, it should not be a new form of a known substance and third, it should result in a substantial increase in efficacy over the relevant prior art as effectively explained by the Explanation to the given Section.
Astrea patent law team works closely in an integrated manner to represent clients in obtaining patents and acting in all matters and procedures relating to patent law and practice, such as filing an opposition. Our services in this practice area include:
Patent Application Filling
Reviewing Manuscripts For Prior Art And Novelty.
Drafting and Filing Patent.
Patent Prosecution.
Appellate proceeding.
Infringement and Injunction
Naming of the inventor(s)
Information of corresponding applications in other countries
Patent Examination
Examination of application
Amendment of application
Pre-Grant opposition of the patent application
Revocation of a patent
Working of patents
Amendment of application
Pre-Grant opposition of the patent application