
  • Deepak Gupta


    B.Com M.Com. LL.B

    Practices : Licence and Registration, Labour and Employment,Termination,,Administrative Law ,Family Laws

  • Pradeep Rihal

    Sr. Associate

    B.Com. LL.B, LL.M.

    Expertise Legal Due Diligence, Work Permits, Credit, Risk Assesment, Security Fraud, Debt recovery, Defamation, Election Laws, Tribunals, Land Laws, Administrative Laws, Insurance, Work Permits, Extradition & Asylum, Forest laws, Corruption and Bribery Laws, Perjury.


Workers’ Compensation and Legal Assistance

Workers’ compensation is an insurance system that provides employees with cash benefits and/or medical care for injuries sustained while performing job-related duties. The compensation framework in India varies based on the size of the company:

  • For businesses with more than 20 employees, the Employees’ State Insurance Act, 1948 applies. Under this Act, both employees and employers contribute to an insurance scheme that provides medical and financial support in case of workplace injuries.
  • For businesses with fewer than 20 employees, the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 governs compensation. This Act outlines the legal framework for compensating employees who suffer injuries in the course of their employment.

Challenges and Legal Assistance

Despite legal provisions, many insurance companies and employers attempt to evade liability by making false claims to deny workers’ compensation benefits. In such cases, legal assistance becomes crucial to ensure rightful compensation and protect the employees’ rights.

Our Services in Workers’ Compensation Cases:

Representation of injured workers/employees in workers’ compensation litigation
Consultation and claim analysis, including evaluation of injury types
Pursuing third-party claims related to workplace injuries
Handling fraud and misrepresentation cases in compensation claims

Our strategic legal approach ensures the protection and enforcement of workers’ rights, helping them recover the benefits they are legally entitled to.

Email: Contact: +91 9822720483,

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